Mini Bonbon Pecan Praliné - Coffee Reduction

Mini Bonbon Pecan Praliné - Coffee Reduction


Coffee Reduction

Used products: Coffee Reduction

  • 250 g
    espresso coffee
  • 50 g
  • 50 g
    glucose syrup DE 38

Preparation: Coffee Reduction

Mix in a saucepan

Reduce until 71°Brix or 105°C (221°F).

Texas Origin Pecan Praliné

Used products: Texas Origin Pecan Praliné

Preparation: Texas Origin Pecan Praliné

Melt together

Used products: Texas Origin Pecan Praliné

  • 9 g
    0% fat powdered milk
  • 225 g
    pecan praliné

Preparation: Texas Origin Pecan Praliné

Mix together

Crystallise praline two ways:

1/ Melt chocolate and Mycryo® Cocoa Butter together.
Mix milk powder and 70% Texas Origin Pecan Praliné.
Mix the Harmonie Lactée Milk chocolate and 70% Texas Origin Pecan Praliné and use table top method to crystallise.

2/ Melt Harmonie Lactée Milk chocolate and Mycryo® cocoa butter, crystallise.
Mix milk powder and 70% Texas Origin Pecan Praliné.
With paddle attachment, add crystallised chocolate/cocoa butter.
Pour in the praline while mixing.


Spray chocolate shell with coloured cocoa butter.
Mould milk chocolate shell.
Pipe a small amount of coffee reduction at bottom of shell.
Pipe crystallised Texas Origin Pecan Praliné on top. Close shell and unmould.