Enea Or Noir Truffle

Enea Or Noir Truffle


Ganache Enea Or Noir Barry

Used products: Ganache Enea Or Noir Barry

  • 2.3 oz
    Cacao Barry® Or Noir™ dark chocolate Enea 69% cocoa
  • 0.5 oz
    glucose syrup DE 40
  • 0.1 oz
    sorbitol powder
  • 2.6 oz
  • 0.4 oz
    low water content butter

Preparation: Ganache Enea Or Noir Barry

Boil together cream, sorbitol and glucose, and leave to cool to 70°C.
Pour onto chocolate and emulsify without incorporating air bubbles.
Melt butter at 35°C and mix in.
Pipe ganache at 34°C into truffle shells.

Or Noir Moulding Couverture For Truffle Shell

Used products: Or Noir Moulding Couverture For Truffle Shell

  • 1.1 lb
    Cacao Barry® Or Noir™ dark chocolate Enea 69% cocoa
  • 0.9 oz

Preparation: Or Noir Moulding Couverture For Truffle Shell

Melt together chocolate and cocoa butter, and heat up to 50°C.
Leave to cool to 31°C, pour into hemispherical polycarbonate moulds and turn upside down to remove excess chocolate.
Leave to crystallise at 16°C for two hours.