

Topic: #LOCALLOVE Flavors: Yorkshire Strawberry Confit, Zephyr caramel, Tonka & Vanilla Mousse, Tarragon Crémeux, Yorkshire Madeleine Tarragon Sponge, Reconstituted Quinoa & Strawberry Crumble, Tarragon Micro Sponge I was inspired by a local producer whose farm is only 7 miles from my home. Annabel’s Deliciously British produces some of the best strawberries in the UK. I wanted to pair this with chocolates to make a light fresh patisserie. The core flavours are Strawberries and Tarragon. The strawberries coming from a farm 7 miles from my house and the tarragon grown in my garden.

Vanilla and tonka crumble

Used products: Vanilla and tonka crumble

  • 7.1 oz
    cold unsalted butter
  • 5.3 oz
    caster sugar
  • 1.8 oz
  • 7.8 oz
    A.P. flour
  • 1.8 oz
    ground almonds
  • 0.1 oz
    baking powder
  • 1 pod(s)
    Vanilla seeds
  • 1 piece(s)
    lemon zest
  • 3 piece(s)
    Tonka beans

Preparation: Vanilla and tonka crumble

Mix ingredients on Kitchen aid until a crumble consistency.

If necessary, push through a mesh tray.

Spread out onto silpats, freeze 10 mins, and bake at 150ºC for 15 minutes until lightly golden brown, stirring halfway through.

Cool and blend to crumbs (quite fine)

Reconstituted quinoa & strawberry crumble 2

Used products: Reconstituted quinoa & strawberry crumble 2

Preparation: Reconstituted quinoa & strawberry crumble 2

Melt white chocolate and butter and combine, add all remaining ingredients, mix well, sheet out, freeze and cut.

Yorkshire tarragon madeleine sponge

Used products: Yorkshire tarragon madeleine sponge

  • 3.7 oz
  • 4.6 oz
    rapeseed oil
  • 2.8 oz
  • 10.1 oz
  • 3.2 oz
    caster sugar
  • 0.9 oz
  • 2.5 oz
    light brown sugar
  • 10.8 gr
    fine salt
  • 8.3 oz
    A.P. flour
  • 0.2 oz
    baking powder
  • 0.8 oz
    chopped tarragon
  • 2 piece(s)
    lemon zest

Preparation: Yorkshire tarragon madeleine sponge

Melt together the butter and honey, add rapeseed oil and leave to cool to around 35-40ºC.

Whisk together the eggs and sugars and salt on the stand mixer until doubled in volume. Sift together the flour and baking powder.

Gently fold the flour into the egg mixture being careful not to lose any volume.

Pour the melted butter down the side of the bowl so it floods the top of the mixture, then mix in lightly with a spatula together with the tarragon & lemon zest.

Bake in a flexipan entremets baking mat at 180ºC for 7 minutes.

Remove and cool and invert and place inside greased metal frame.

Tarragon crémeux

Used products: Tarragon crémeux

Preparation: Tarragon crémeux

Blanch tarragon in generous amounts of boiling water for 30 seconds, shock in ice water, drain.

Bring the milk to the boil, add together with tarragon in blender and blend on full speed for 1 minute until smooth.

Add trehalose and mix again briefly.

Pass through a fine sieve.

Melt white chocolate and emulsify tarragon cream onto chocolate in 3 additions.

Transfer to a jug and blend again, then blend in mascarpone and vanilla.

Finally blend in cold cream & mould on top of madeleine sponge.

Zephyr caramel, tonka & vanilla mousse

Used products: Zephyr caramel, tonka & vanilla mousse

Preparation: Zephyr caramel, tonka & vanilla mousse

Bring milk, vanilla & tonka to simmer.

Clingfilm pan and infuse for 15 minutes.

Melt the chocolate in the microwave.

Reheat the infusion to simmering, add gelatine mass, stir through until melted and pass through a fine sieve.

Emulsify onto melted Zephyr caramel in three additions, blend with stick blender until silky smooth.

Cool to 35ºC and fold through whipped cream in two additions.

Add on top of tarragon crémeux.

Yorkshire strawberry confit

Used products: Yorkshire strawberry confit

  • 8.5 oz
    Yorkshire berries - grown by pure honeyberry farm in Yorkshire
  • 6.3 oz
    caster sugar
  • 1.7 lb
    ripe strawberries
  • 2.1 oz
    atomized glucose
  • 0.3 oz
    NH pectin
  • 1.2 oz
    gelatin solution
  • 0.2 oz
    tartaric acid solution

Preparation: Yorkshire strawberry confit

Make a puree with 240g of strawberries.

Bring the puree to 40ºC.

Whisk together the NH pectin with the caster sugar and whisk into the puree. Boil for 2 mins.

Whisk in the atomised glucose and then fresh strawberries, return to the boil.

As soon as mixture reaches the boil remove from heat and whisk in the tartaric acid solution and tip onto a baking sheet and chill.

Clear vanilla spray glaze

Used products: Clear vanilla spray glaze

  • 1.8 lb
    NH pectin
  • 2.8 oz
  • 1 piece(s)
    Vanilla Beans

Preparation: Clear vanilla spray glaze

Heat together to around 80-90ºC, blend and spray through a spray gun/air brush to a thin coating on the strawberry confit layer.

Tarragon micro sponge

Used products: Tarragon micro sponge

  • 5.5 oz
    egg white
  • 3.5 oz
    Egg yolk
  • 1.8 oz
    Yorkshire Honey
  • 1.1 oz
    A.P. flour
  • 0.4 oz
    baking powder
  • 3.5 oz
    Fresh tarragon
  • 15.4 gr

Preparation: Tarragon micro sponge

Blanch the tarragon in boiling water for 30 seconds and refresh in an ice bath. Drain well.

Blend the blanched tarragon, egg yolks and whites until smooth, add the dry ingredients and blend again briefly. Cool over an ice bath.

Charge 500g mix into a cream whipper.

Half fill plastic cups cut underneath, cook for 45 seconds in batches of 3 turn upside down to cool.

Assembly and finishing

Invert the madeleine sponge cake onto a tray.

Pipe tarragon mousse and set.

Pipe whipped ganache and set.

Pipe strawberry confit and set.

Spray with clear vanilla spray.

Add a dice of fresh strawberry.

Add torn pieces of microwave sponge.

Add white chocolate sticks and butterflies.