Black currant Bio Botanica Sunflower

Black currant Bio Botanica Sunflower

A combination of favorite tastes from childhood which I have to pass on to the future generation, after all it is a source of vitamins and other nutrients for good feeling and tone.   Black currant, roasted sunflower seeds, Or Noir chocolate

Dark natural colorant

Used products: Dark natural colorant

  • 3.5 oz
    cocoa butter
  • 3.5 oz
    Chocolate Or Noir Bio Botanica 75.3%
  • 0.2 oz
    Dark cocoa powder

Preparation: Dark natural colorant

Chocolate melt with cocoa butter
Add cocoa powder, blend

Black currant caramel ganache

Used products: Black currant caramel ganache

  • 6.5 oz
    Puree Black Currant
  • 1.3 oz
    Organic cane sugar
  • 0.8 oz
    anhydrous butter
  • 0.6 oz
    cocoa butter
  • 6.9 gr
    Fleur de salt
  • 5.4 gr
    Vanilla seeds
  • 0.8 oz
    Creme de Cassis de Dijon

Preparation: Black currant caramel ganache

Blackcurrant puree boil with vanilla and salt.
Caramelize sugar, add puree
Leave to cool to 70oC
Pour into chocolate and emulsify
Add liqueur

Add anhydrous butter at 35oC
Add cocoa butter at 33 oC

Assembly and finishing

Paint the mold black, then yellow, and then white
Create a chocolate shell
Fill with ganache
Fill with praline at the top of ganache
Close with Or Noir chocolate
Leave to crystallize