

Recipe for 4 travel cakes

Chocolate and sunchokes cake

Used products: Chocolate and sunchokes cake

Preparation: Chocolate and sunchokes cake

Use butter, light muscovado sugar, sugar and honey to make a cream. Add eggs. Fold in Cacao Barry chocolate. Fold in cake flour, baking powder, salt and cocoa fibers. Add sunchokes, hazelnut oil and Cacao Barry chocolate. Fold in chopped roasted hazelnuts.

Pipe into molds and bake at 150°C.

Marigold Marmelade

Used products: Marigold Marmelade

  • 13.2 oz
    orange juice
  • 3
    Zest organic lemons
  • 3
    Zest of organic oranges
  • 5.3 oz
    Finely chopped dried apricots
  • 10.6 oz
  • 2.6 oz
  • 0.5 oz
  • 0.3 oz
    Citric acid
  • 1.1 oz
    Fresh marigold
  • Q.S.
    Pickled marigold flowers

Preparation: Marigold Marmelade

Boil together fresh orange juice, zest of organic lemons, organic oranges, finely chopped dried apricots and sugar. Leave to simmer for 5 minutes. Add sugar and pectin. Boil and add citric acid. Blend and leave to cool. Add and blend fresh marigold and pickled marigold flowers.

Whey Caramel

Used products: Whey Caramel

Preparation: Whey Caramel

Warm invert sugar, reduced whey, sea salt and vanilla pod. Caramelise sugar and glucose. Deglaze with whey. Strain over Cacao Barry chocolate. Once cooled, incorporate ghee.

Hazelnut paste

Used products: Hazelnut paste

  • 1.0 lb
    Roasted and chopped hazelnuts
  • 0.9 oz
    Lemon zest of organic lemons
  • 0.2 oz
    sea salt

Preparation: Hazelnut paste

Conch all ingredients.