Pistachio, Sapote Bavaroise and cherry tart

Pistachio, Sapote Bavaroise and cherry tart


Sweet Dough

Used products: Sweet Dough

  • 7.1 oz
  • 0.7 oz
    corn starch
  • 4.4 oz
    icing sugar
  • 1.8 oz
    almond flour
  • 4.4 oz
  • 1.8 oz
    whole egg(s)
  • 1 piece(s)
    vanilla bean

Preparation: Sweet Dough

Sift the dry ingredients.
Cream the butter and icing sugar.
Add the eggs and incorporate the dry ingredients.
Mix until just combined. Let the dough rest in the fridge.
Roll out to 3 mm thick and cut to desired shape.

Almond Pistachio Cream

Used products: Almond Pistachio Cream

  • 4.4 oz
  • 4.4 oz
  • 4.4 oz
    whole egg(s)
  • 4.4 oz
    almond flour
  • 1.8 oz
  • 1.8 oz
    Pistachio paste

Preparation: Almond Pistachio Cream

Cream the butter and the sugar.
Add the dry ingredients and then add the eggs one by one.
Add the pistachio paste.
Pour in the frame over the pre-cooked sweet dough.

Fresh Cherry Confit

Used products: Fresh Cherry Confit

  • 10.6 oz
    fresh cherries
  • 1.8 oz
    fresh lemon juice
  • 2.1 oz
  • 1.8 oz
  • 0.4 oz
    NH pectin

Preparation: Fresh Cherry Confit

Pit the cherries and cook with the glucose.
Add the sugar and the pectin and cook to a roaring boil.
Pour in a frame 6 cm wide by 30 cm long.
Let cool and freeze.

White Chocolate and Sapote Bavaroise

Used products: White Chocolate and Sapote Bavaroise

Preparation: White Chocolate and Sapote Bavaroise

Heat the milk and cream and infuse with the grated sapote.
Whip the yolks with the sugar.
Cook the anglaise to 85°C and add the pre-soaked gelatine.
Pour on the Zéphyr™ white chocolate and emulsify.
At 40°C add the soft whipped cream.
Pour in the cherry confit frame and blast freeze.


Spray the bavaroise with green cocoa butter.
Place on the almond pistachio cream.
Decorate the edges with pistachio pieces and cherries and pistachios on top of the tart.