Paris Brest 2.0

Paris Brest 2.0


Choux pastry chips

Used products: Choux pastry chips

  • 2.6 oz
    Whole milk
  • 2.6 oz
  • 0.1 oz
    fine sugar
  • 0.1 oz
  • 2.1 oz
    fresh butter

Preparation: Choux pastry chips


Used products: Choux pastry chips

  • 3.0 oz
    bran flour

Preparation: Choux pastry chips

Pour and thicken with

Used products: Choux pastry chips

  • 5.5 oz
    whole egg(s)

Preparation: Choux pastry chips


Spread out thinly between 2 Silpat mats. 
Bake blind and cut out Ø3cm disks.
Continue cooking and caramelize with icing sugar.
Set aside at 17°C.


Crunchy Ghana shortbread (for the bottom pistol)

Used products: Crunchy Ghana shortbread (for the bottom pistol)

  • 3.2 oz
    fresh butter
  • 3.2 oz
  • 3.2 oz
    fine sugar

Preparation: Crunchy Ghana shortbread (for the bottom pistol)


Bake at 160°C on a Fiberpain mat.

Used products: Crunchy Ghana shortbread (for the bottom pistol)

Preparation: Crunchy Ghana shortbread (for the bottom pistol)


Use at 24°C. 
Decorate the Elegant pistoles.

Barcode decoration

In an Elegant Pistol mold add pieces of Scotch tape of various widths on half of the surface of the pistol in order to form a barcode.
To color the pistol mold use a spray-on sauce with white chocolate colored with titanium dioxide and previously crystallized at 28°C (50% Zéphyr™ with 50% cocoa butter and the desired quantity of titanium dioxide).
Gently withdraw the pieces of Scotch tape. 
Then, pulverize a second black spray-on pistole sauce to make barcodes. 
Mold with the Lactée Barry chocolate.
Fill the Elegant pistols.
Seal 24 hours afterwards.


Place the choux pastry chips on the crunchy Ghana hazelnut shortbread and assemble both pistoles.