
Pastry & Anthropology

Full Bulletin

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Tomorrow: what will tomorrow’s pastry be like, and what sort of societies will they serve?

This year we’ve all experienced the drastic changes caused by the pandemic that have impacted on our way of life, our work, and our behaviour.
To understand these changes, the trends that might as a consequence become more pronounced, and to be better prepared to be able to support our chefs and their business planning, Ramon Morató and his team have been working closely with Fanny Parise, an anthropologist who is an expert in this field. 

Anthropology is the science that strives to highlight the diversity of cultures through the prism of human unity. It’s a discipline that decodes the present so as to see our reality in a different way (the principle of decentring) and to provide us with better projections for the future. The current crisis is viewed as a rite of passage by anthropologists, a transition towards new ways of living. Understanding the impact of this phenomenon on our western societies becomes a cultural necessity. Understanding makes it possible to get one jump ahead. Getting one jump ahead is a guarantee of survival (in human and social terms, and also in business).

Although the post COVID-19 world will not be so different from the one preceding it, the virus has already shown us the first signs pointing towards new social trends. Although still very low key, these trends are nonetheless having an influence on our lives, turning the experience of shopping and
consumption on its head. The co-creative and repetitive process proposed by Ramon Morato and Fanny Parise makes it possible to offer an aspirational universe and recipes that serve as an example for exploring the new social problems that we’re all going to have to face.

Welcome to the future, a future that is almost with us, and that we must write together, starting from now! 

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