Chocolate Textures by Mauro Colagreco

Chocolate textures. Photo: courtesy of Mauro Colagreco
Sacher Biscuit
- 500g 70% dark chocolate couverture
- 420g Butter
- 30g Cacao powder
- 3 Eggs
- 3 units or 60g Egg yolks
- 120g + 100g Sugar
- 90g Egg whites
Creamy dark chocolate
- 500g Milk
- 500g Cream
- 200 gr Egg yolks
- 100g Caster sugar
- 450 gr 70% chocolate couverture
Cacao cream
- 560g Water
- 720g Sugar
- 580g Cream
- 24 g Cacao powder
- 32g Gelatine
- Cocoa’s sorbet
- 1l Milk
- 200g Cacao
- 200g 70% Chocolate
Cocoa Crystalline
- 600g Fondant
- 400g Glucose
- 70g Nugasec
- Q / N Cacao
Tonka bean foam
- 500g Cream
- 100g White chocolate
- 1 unit Tonka bean
- Cocoa crumble
- 200g Butter
- 160g Sugar
- 3 Egg yolks
- 4g Salt
- 3g Baking power
- 225g Flour
- 25g Cacao
To finish
- Grated Tonka bean
- Hazelnut
- Leafs of salad burnet
- Grated crumble
Sacher Biscuit
Melt the chocolate in “bain marie”. Work the butter until it gets creamy. Add the cocoa powder with a sieve. Mix it with the couverture. Mix the eggs and the 120g of sugar untill you get a creamy color. Incorporate it into the previous mixture with a maryse spatula. Make a meringue with the egg whites and the 100g of sugar. Gently add to the rest of the mixture. Cook it in a small flat plate 32 x 26,5. Place on a buttered sulphureted paper. Take it to the oven at 170°C for 50-60 min.
Creamy dark chocolate
In a saucepan, boil the milk and the cream. In a bowl, mix the eggs and the sugar. Add the milk / cream mixture. Let it cook gently and stir continuously with a spatula (84°C). Strain it on the cover and blend it with a “bamix.” Keep it in a plate. Cling film it. Refrigerate.
Cocoa cream
Bring to a boil the water, the sugar and the cream. Add the sieved cocoa. Whisk constantly for 3 minutes after boiling. Sieve it. Add the gelatin – previously hydrated. Let it cool. Keep it. Warm the desired amount, depending on use.
Cocoa sorbet
Bring to a boil the milk and the sugar. Add the cocoa, let it boil. Place the chocolate on a slope. Keep it.
Crystallised cocoa
In a saucepan, place the glucose and let it melt together. Bring it up to 130 ° C. Remove from heat and add the nugasec. Stretch out on a Silpat. Let it cool down. When cooled, cut up and mash it into a fine powder in the Thermomix. Add the necessary cocoa. On a Silpat, with the help of a round mold of 7.5 cm of diameter, sprinkle the sugar mixture to cover the round surface. Take it into a dry oven at 170°C for 3 minutes. Remove from oven. Keep the crystals in a dry place.
Tonka bean’s foam
Grate the tonka bean cream. Bring it to heat and leave to infuse. Heat again and pass it through a strain. Pour the mixture over the chocolate. Let it rest. Mix. Load a siphon of 1L with 2 gas loads.
Cocoa crumble
Mix all ingredients. Proceed as to shortbread. With your fingertips, make small balls. Bake at 190°C for 6 min, until it gets golden.
On flat plate, put on the left side a Sacher biscuit. On the same side, place 5 non-straight and not identical points of cocoa creamy and dark chocolate cream. On the biscuit, put the tonka bean’s foam. On the foam, place a quenelle of cocoa’s sorbet. To finish, place three pieces of crystallised cocoa over the chocolate overlay. Place 3 leafs of salad burnet.