Sarrasin drop
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TOPIC OF YOUR CHOICE: I worked with buckwheat for my chocolate bonbon. because this product is at the centre of farming history in Brittany. FLAVOURS IN YOUR CREATION: dark chocolate shell milky ganache infused with sobacha (buckwheat tea) crispy buckwheat nougatine buckwheat praliné INSPIRATION BEHIND YOUR CREATION: For this creation I sought inspiration in typical flavours from my region, Brittany, which is a mainly agricultural region. As a farmer’s son, I grew up surrounded with buckwheat fields that my dad grew. I decided to honour buckwheat in my creation by working it in different textures. The shape of the bonbon reminds of a water drop touching a pebble, as we have in our rivers.
Sobacha Ganache
Used products: Sobacha Ganache
2.2 oz35% cream
0.7 ozSobacha
0.2 ozglucose DE 60
0.2 ozchurned butter 82% fat
0.2 ozCB
Preparation: Sobacha Ganache
Infuse cream and Sobacha. Filter.
Heat up the infusion with Glucose and butter, then pour on Elysée 36% Chocolate and Alto el Sol 65% Chocolate.
Mix and pipe when the temperature is at 31°C.
Buckwheat nougatine
Used products: Buckwheat nougatine
0.7 ozglucose DE 60
0.7 ozCassonade
0.7 ozCassonade
0.7 ozchurned butter 82% fat
1.0 ozbuckwheat silvers
Preparation: Buckwheat nougatine
Heat up Glucose, add Cassonade and butter.
Cook, then add the buckwheat slivers.
Sobacha praliné
Used products: Sobacha praliné
1.3 ozSesame and sobacha praline
Preparation: Sobacha praliné
Mix the praliné with Elysée 36% chocolate, pipe at 28°C.
Assembly and finishing
In the top shell , pipe Sobacha Ganache.
In the second shell, pipe the praliné then add the nougatine disc.
Assemble the 2 sides.