Infinite seed

Infinite seed

When we are thinking about the future, it has been getting more negative and desperate since global environmental changes started. It’s inspired by those thoughts and wanted to flip it into positive and bright with this super seed that can survive in any environment. It could be the beginning of a new life in the future. It contains every gene from plants that could become extinct soon. 

Chocolate sponge

Used products: Chocolate sponge

Preparation: Chocolate sponge

Step 1. whip egg yolk with sugar a. 
Step 2. In another bowl, whip egg white with sugar b to make a meringue.
Step 3. Add melted butter, oil In the yolk mixture and add dry ingredients as well.
Step 4. Add meringue to the yolk mixture.
Step 5. Bake in a preheated oven for 14 mins. (180℃)

Hwayo dill gel

Used products: Hwayo dill gel

  • 4.2 oz
  • 3.5 oz
    white wine
  • 2.1 oz
  • 1.8 oz
    lemon juice
  • 0.1 oz
    agar agar
  • 3.5 oz
  • 0.1 oz
    NH Pectin (Sosa)
  • 7.7 gr
    locust bean gum
  • 0.1 oz

Preparation: Hwayo dill gel

Step 1. put everything except dill and blend them.
Step 2. Put them in a pan and heat.
Step 3. Cool it down and blend with dinamix.
Step 4. Put dill into the mixture and blend again.
Step 5. Put it in a piping bag and use.

almond crumble

Used products: almond crumble

Preparation: almond crumble

Step 1. Mix butter, salt, and sugar together in a food processor. 
Step 2. Add dry ingredients and mix.
Step 3. Pour egg white into the processor and mix.
Step 4. Put them on silicon paper in small pieces and bake for 20~22 mins in 160℃.
Step 5. Break it into small pieces with a whipper and add it to chocolate.
Step 6. Mix it well and almond paste with yogurt powder.
Step 7. Cool it down.

Hazelnut caramel

Used products: Hazelnut caramel

  • 5.9 oz
    Heavy cream
  • 2.2 oz
  • 3.6 oz
    glucose syrup
  • 0.7 oz
    hazelnut paste
  • 15.4 gr
    fine salt
  • 0.0 gr
    mixed spice

Preparation: Hazelnut caramel

Step 1. Put sugar and glucose syrup in hot pan
Step 2. Add hot fresh heavy cream 
Step 3. Add hazelnut paste, salt and magic powder and blend
Step 4. Cool it down.

Ian whipping ganache

Used products: Ian whipping ganache

Preparation: Ian whipping ganache

Step 1. Heat whipping cream a with invert sugar and add gelatin.
Step 2. pour the hot cream over the chocolate mixture and blend.
Step 3. Add hazelnut paste and blend
Step 4. Cool it down.

Orange compote filling

Used products: Orange compote filling

  • 12.7 oz
    Fresh Orange
  • 7.4 oz
    orange puree
  • 4.2 oz
    passion fruit puree
  • 2.5 oz
  • 4.0 oz
  • 2.8 oz
  • 0.6 oz
    NH Pectin (Sosa)
  • 0.2 oz
    ginger juice

Preparation: Orange compote filling

Step 1. Blend puree with honey, sugar, trehalose, pectin fresh ginger juice.
Step 2. Put them in a pot and heat.
Step 3. Add orange segments and heat.
Step 4. Cool it down.

Passion yogurt mousse

Used products: Passion yogurt mousse

  • 0.8 oz
  • 1.6 oz
  • 4.3 oz
  • 1.9 oz
    egg white
  • 2.0 oz
  • 1.8 oz
    passion fruit puree
  • 5.3 oz
    plain yogurt
  • 2.8 oz
  • 7.1 oz
    Heavy cream
  • 3.5 oz
  • 0.7 oz
    fresh lemon juice

Preparation: Passion yogurt mousse

Step 1. Make a hot syrup with water, sugar a, and honey in a pan.
Step 2. Whip egg white and pour the hot syrup to make an Italian meringue.
Step 3. Heat puree and gelatin together in a pan.
Step 4. Cool it down.
Step 5. Mix 160 g of meringue and cooled puree together.
Step 6. Whip fresh heavy cream and mix with puree mixture.
Step 7. put it into the mold with a piping bag and a spoon.
Step 8. Chill it well.

Assembly and finishing

Assembly step 1. Make chocolate sponge
Assembly step2. Make mousse and chill it until it’s harden
Assembly step3. Make caramel, gel, compote
Assembly step4. Make whipping ganache and chill it until it hardens and spray.
Assembly step5. assemble