Taste of the Source
- Level:
- Makes:
10 portions
Apricot is the taste familiar since I was a kid. This reminds me of my home, my roots. Like a rock, that harbours corals and gives home to a new life of an eco-system.
Sponge with poppy seed fibre
Used products: Sponge with poppy seed fibre
75 gwalnut flour
22 gCornstarch
25 gPoppy seed fibre
6 gleavener
30 gbrown sugar
Preparation: Sponge with poppy seed fibre
Used products: Sponge with poppy seed fibre
47 gwalnut oil
Preparation: Sponge with poppy seed fibre
Used products: Sponge with poppy seed fibre
115 gapricot puree
Preparation: Sponge with poppy seed fibre
Mix, add
Mix thoroughly, spread in a silicon frame and leave to set for 15 minutes, bake at 150 °C for 20 minutes.
Walnut sable
Used products: Walnut sable
50 gwalnut flour
50 gpowdered sugar
50 gcake flour
Preparation: Walnut sable
Used products: Walnut sable
32 gcoconut butter
9 gwater
Preparation: Walnut sable
Mix the dough, roll a 3 mm thick layer and cut 3 x 10 cm rectangles.
Bake between perforated mats at 150 °C for 20 minutes.
Apricot ganache
Used products: Apricot ganache
80 gapricot puree
10 gglucose
Preparation: Apricot ganache
Bring to a boil
Used products: Apricot ganache
Preparation: Apricot ganache
Pour over chocolate
Emulsify with blender
Used products: Apricot ganache
10 gcoconut butter
Preparation: Apricot ganache
Mix the emulsion, pour in a piping bag and leave to stabilize.
Apricot marmalade
Used products: Apricot marmalade
100 gapricot puree
15 gglucose
20 gbrown sugar
3 gThyme petals
Preparation: Apricot marmalade
Mix and heat to 40 °C
Used products: Apricot marmalade
10 gbrown sugar
3 gpectin NH
Preparation: Apricot marmalade
Add and mix gradually with a whisk
Bring to boiling and cook for 3 minutes.
Leave to cool completely.
Chocolate tube
Used products: Chocolate tube
Preparation: Chocolate tube
Temper the chocolate and pour over texture transfer sheet (10 x 7 cm).
Roll a tube and leave to stabilize.
For Assembly and Finishing
Take walnut sable rectangle, add apricot ganache and place chocolate tube. Put poppy seed fibre sponge in the tube, add apricot ganache and apricot marmalade. As a finishing step, place chocolate coins, decorate with apricot ganache drops, marmalade, thyme and walnut sable crumbs.