The planet orbits

The planet orbits


Chocolate cake mixture

Used products: Chocolate cake mixture

Preparation: Chocolate cake mixture

Beat sugar,invert sugar,treharose and yolks.

Combine melted chocolate and butter.

Make meringue with sugar then fold into chocolate mixture.

Fold dry ingredients into formed mixture above mentioned then pour into moulds.

Bake at 150° C for 30 minutes using a water bath.


Used products: Dacquoise

  • 8.7 oz
    egg white
  • 5.3 oz
  • 5.0 oz
    Almonds powder
  • 1.1 oz
    powdered sugar
  • 1.6 oz
    plain flour
  • 4.2 oz
    caramel powder

Preparation: Dacquoise

Make meringue then fold sifted dry ingredients.

Flatten onto sheet pan with parchment paper.

Bake at 190° C for 15 minutes.

Caramel powder

Used products: Caramel powder

  • 1.1 lb
  • 1.8 oz

Preparation: Caramel powder

Caramelize sugar.

Add butter then cool down.

Grind caramel.

Lemon jam

Used products: Lemon jam

  • 1 piece(s)
    Yellow lemon
  • 8.5 oz
  • 0.0 gr
  • 0.7 oz
    lemon juice
  • 1.3 oz
  • 1.3 oz
  • 0.1 oz

Preparation: Lemon jam

Slice lemon then boil with water and salt.

Strain water then add more water, simmer until the lemon becomes a soft consistency.

Combine all and cook for 1 minute then cool down.

Chop into small pieces then spread onto chocolate cake.

Montage dacquoise and chocolate cake using jam and croustillant.

Dust icing sugar for decoration.