Cocoa brioche, marinated cassis, fresh mango and chocolate chiboust

Cocoa brioche, marinated cassis, fresh mango and chocolate chiboust


Cocoa Brioche

Used products: Cocoa Brioche

  • 5.8 oz
    bread flour
  • 5.8 oz
    plain flour
  • 1.1 oz
  • 1.4 oz
    skimmed milk powder
  • 0.2 oz
    Fine sea salt
  • 0.7 oz
    fresh yeast
  • 7.0 oz
    whole eggs
  • 2.2 oz
  • 5.6 oz
    unsalted butter

Preparation: Cocoa Brioche

Place all ingredients in a mixer bowl fitted with a hook attachment.

Knead on a medium speed for 15-20 min. Dough should be elastic, with good gluten development.

Prove for 1 hour, carefully degas and refrigerate overnight.

Portion and shape the dough, place in moulds and prove for 2 hours at 28° C and 60% humidity.

Bake at 210° C for 12 min.

Cool down completely.

Inaya™ Chocolate Sauce

Used products: Inaya™ Chocolate Sauce

Preparation: Inaya™ Chocolate Sauce

Bring milk and glucose to a boil. Gradually pour over chocolate creating a ganache. Emulsify.

Use warm.

Marinated Cassis

Used products: Marinated Cassis

  • 14.1 oz
    elderberry juice
  • 3.5 oz
    Crème de cassis
  • 2.1 oz
    Red wine, Bourdeaux type
  • 0.4 oz
    black pepper
  • 14.1 oz
    Black currants, fresh or frozen

Preparation: Marinated Cassis

Place all ingredients except black currants into a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Cook on medium heat for 10 min. Strain.

Add the berries, cover and refrigerate overnight.

The next day strain and save the liquid for Elderberry Reduction.

Inaya™ Chocolate Chiboust

Used products: Inaya™ Chocolate Chiboust

Preparation: Inaya™ Chocolate Chiboust

Melt chocolate.

Make Swiss meringue: place egg whites with dextrose into  a bain marie and warm to 50° C, whisking all the time.

Make a pastry cream with milk, cream, egg yolk, sugar and cornflour. Add melted chocolate, emulsify.

Gently combine the two mixtures.

Immediately, pipe into individual log moulds and freeze.

Ederberry Reduction

Used products: Ederberry Reduction

  • 1.1 lb
    Marinating liquid
  • 7.1 oz
    glucose syrup

Preparation: Ederberry Reduction

Place marinating liquid and glucose in a sauce pan and gently reduce by  half.


Caramel tuile

Used products: Caramel tuile

  • Q.S.
    caster sugar

Preparation: Caramel tuile

Make dry caramel, pour on a silpat, let cool down.

Grind hardened caramel in a food processor into fine powder.


Sift a fine layer of caramel powder on a tray with silpat and a stencil, remove the stencil and place tray in the oven at 200° C for 1 min to melt the sugar.

Let cool, gently lift tuiles and store them in a air tight container with silica gel.

Sesame Crunchy

Used products: Sesame Crunchy

  • 3.5 oz
    caster sugar
  • 2.1 oz
    unsalted butter
  • 2.1 oz
    orange juice
  • 4.4 oz
    Sesame seeds
  • 0.7 oz
    plain flour

Preparation: Sesame Crunchy

Place butter, sugar and orange juice in a saucepan and bring to a boil to dissolve sugar.

Place sesame seeds in a mixer bowl fitted with a paddle attachment, add orange-butter mixture and mix to combine. Let set in fridge.

Spread the mixture on a tray with a silpat over a stencil, remove the stencil and cook at 170° C for 10 min.

Other ingredients

Fresh mango, diced into 1 cm cubes, chilled.

Assembly and service

Deposit 12 gr of warm Cacao Barry Inaya™ 65% sauce into brioche cavity, let brioche absorb the sauce.

Place 10 gr of marinated cassis following by 15 gr of diced mango

Place a sesame crunchy rectangle on top of mango.

Place a log of frozen chiboust on top of sesame crunchy. Temper.

Place a caramel tuile on top of chiboust and immediately put the snack in a preheated salamander grill for 1 min to melt caramel and warm the chiboust.

Drizzle with Elderberry Reduction and serve immediately.