Maple Puff Pastry Brioche

Maple Puff Pastry Brioche

7 Yield
Shelf life:
1 days
Room temperature
Demonstration video<span>Maple Puff Pastry Brioche</span>

Sugar Syrup

Used products: Sugar Syrup

  • 1.6 oz
  • 1.6 oz
    Maple sugar
  • 4.4 oz

Preparation: Sugar Syrup

  1. Place all ingredients in a saucepan
  2. Bring to a boil

Pecan Caramel

Used products: Pecan Caramel

  • 5.3 oz
    Toasted Pecan
  • 2.6 oz
    Maple sugar

Preparation: Pecan Caramel

  1. Make a dry caramel with maple sugar, when golden/brown, pour it onto the toasted pecan
  2. 2. Place it in a mixing bowl with a paddle and mix/crush until desired texture

Laminated Brioche

Used products: Laminated Brioche

  • 2.2 lb
    bread flour
  • 2.8 oz
    Maple sugar
  • 0.7 oz
  • 2.5 oz
    PDO Isigny Butter
  • 2.6 oz
  • 9.2 oz
  • 6.3 oz
  • 1.4 oz
    fresh yeast
  • 1.2 oz
    Maple syrup

Preparation: Laminated Brioche

  1. 3 min S*1 + 11 min S2 (until full development)
  2. Dividing: 1700 gr.
  3. 1st Fermentation: Keep Overnight in a chiller.
  4. Folding: add 500 gr of butter.
  5. 1 single fold.
  6. Rest in the freezer for 10 min.
  7. 1 Single fold.
  8. Fold in two.
  9. Shaping: get a 45 cm Height. Sheet it down to 3.5 mm thickness. Spread some water, then sprinkle maple sugar and Pecan Caramel on top of the dough (around 150 gr). Roll the dough. Cut cylinder of 15 cm. cut in the middle and braid it. (Should be around 300 gr).
  10. Proofing: 60 minutes at 22°C and 85% RH. 11. Baking in Rack Oven: At 160°C for 30 minutes. 12. Sugar Syrup: Brush the top of the brioche with sugar syrup just out of the oven

View tools

  • Stand Mixer