Apricot, Vanilla & Black Pepper

Apricot, Vanilla & Black Pepper

5 molds Cacao Barry

Apricot Paste

Used products: Apricot Paste

  • 1.2 lb
    apricot puree

Preparation: Apricot Paste

Dehydrate to create an apricot ‘leather’ 

Used products: Apricot Paste

  • 1.0 lb
    apricot puree

Preparation: Apricot Paste

Heat puree to 60°C 

Add the warm puree to the leather to soften. Mix until leather and puree are completely homogenous. 

Heat to 40° C.

Used products: Apricot Paste

  • 1.8 oz
  • 0.7 oz
    yellow pectin

Preparation: Apricot Paste

Mix sugar and pectin together.

Add to puree and mix completely.

Used products: Apricot Paste

  • 3.5 oz

Preparation: Apricot Paste


Bring to boil and cook to 102°C. 

Used products: Apricot Paste

  • 0.2 oz
  • 0.2 oz
    citric acid solution

Preparation: Apricot Paste

Add citric acid to water to dissolve 

Take puree off heat and whisk in citric acid. Let cool.


Spray mold lightly down one side with orange cacao butter.
Grind black pepper into Zéphyr™ Caramel white chocolate to taste. The taste will need to be quite strong.
Cast thin shell with crystallized Caramel Zephyr™


Pipe Apricot paste into shell.
Pipe in ganache.
When ganache has crystallized seal with Zéphyr™ Caramel white chocolate.